Floor Side Member Sub-Assembly Inner Left Hand

About this product

The Floor Side Member Sub-Assembly Inner Left Hand (#57402-02340) is an integral part of the Floor Side Member system in Toyota vehicles. This Body part's primary role is to provide structural integrity and support for the vehicle's floor. It operates in tandem with other components in the system to maintain the vehicle's stability and balance while on the move. The Floor Side Member Sub-Assembly Inner Left Hand (#57402-02340), like all genuine Toyota parts, is designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, the part may suffer wear and tear and require replacement. Should it become damaged or non-functional, it can compromise the vehicle's structural integrity, posing a potential safety risk. By maintaining the functionality of the Floor Side Member Sub-Assembly Inner Left Hand (#57402-02340), you are aiding overall vehicle efficiency and safety. Remember, only genuine Toyota parts can offer the assurance of quality that comes with the Toyota name.