Lock Nut

About this product

The Lock Nut (#90177-22003), a crucial component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Front Axle Housing & Differential and Rear Axle Housing & Differential systems, plays a primary role in maintaining the secure connection of various parts in these systems. As the vehicle operates, the Lock Nut (#90177-22003) provides stable fixation, preventing the parts from loosening. In its supportive role, it interacts with bolts and other components. Using genuine Toyota parts, like the Lock Nut (#90177-22003), is essential for vehicle compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Periodic replacement of the Lock Nut (#90177-22003) is necessary because if it becomes worn or damaged, it could compromise the connection, leading to potential system failure. A properly functioning Lock Nut (#90177-22003) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the vehicle by maintaining the integrity of the system in which it is installed.